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It’s a Season of Change


We often forget that God allows us to go through the winter for a season of rest.  We may struggle in our minds and hearts misinterpreting the season- not as rest, but as a wilderness.  When we wrestle with those thoughts of discouragement and doubt, we must discern what God is doing within us.  We must be sure to enjoy the rest, and not attempt to continue working and plowing in the wrong season.  Perhaps this is the most difficult lesson of spiritual maturity to gain.  When we allow God to do within us, all that He is declaring over us, He will simply give a nod of His head, and we will joyfully enter into the next season of our lives and ministries.

Michele and I are excited to share with you a new season that God is bringing us into. We have had a wonderful two year stay in Virginia Beach, but we feel the winds of change blowing and we see the clouds moving, and in obedience to God, we want to follow HIS call.


His Call Ministries has just celebrated our 10th year of hosting the Throne Zone Conference in Virginia Beach.  We have watched countless lives impacted by the presence of God as we created a safe place for people to discover and explore the Throne Zone dimension of God’s presence.  Prior to the last Throne Zone, we heard the voice of the Lord telling us that we are entering into a new season.  God has called us to take the Throne Zone to the countless people who are crying out for an encounter with the presence of God.  He has shown us that it is time to take the Throne Zone out to new territories. 

In August of last year, we had the opportunity to be a special guest on Sid Roth’s television program, “It’s Supernatural.”  That opportunity reinforced the fact that people are looking for that safe place.  They want to discover and explore the Throne Zone dimension of God’s presence. This new season will take us to new territories, form new partnerships, and take the Throne Zones to many areas where people are dry and thirsty.

Michele and I will be flying to Boston, MA on the 17th of this month to meet with a group of key leaders to cast the vision and begin plans for Throne Zone Boston in the fall of 2013. We continue prayerfully moving forward with Throne Zone Florida, Texas, Louisiana, and Tennessee. 

For a number of years, you have heard us share about “The Worship Center” that God laid upon our hearts in 2003- as we launched this ministry.  God spoke a very clear word that we documented in our Prophetic Journal in March of 2005.  His instructions were very clear to “Build for Him A Place”- A place of habitation, and not simply visitation.  It would not be a church, but rather it would be a center for training and mentoring- a place where people could discover and explore God’s presence…..a safe place.  It would be a place where people will come not because of the platform personalities, but simply come because they want to sit and soak in God’s presence.   Today, I am excited to share with you that this place has been built in the Raleigh/Durham area.  It is called, “The Worship Center”.

To give you an update and a little history, In November of 2012, God connected us with Joe and Sara Call, Founders of The Worship Center in Raleigh/Durham.  As we began to share what the Lord spoke to our heart about this place, Joe began to share what God had spoken to him.  Joe and Sara are seasoned ministers and have been mentored by great men and women of faith.  As we shared with each other what we had heard from the Lord, we realized we had heard the exact same word, in the same month, of the exact same year!!  That’s right…..we heard the same word from the Lord in March of 2005.  AMAZING!!!!

In 2009, this 31,000 sq foot facility was opened and dedicated as a “Safe Place”….a place to “House God’s Presence”….a place for people to come and soak in God’s presence.

 Knowing what God has spoken to our hearts about these Worship Centers being established in various regions, we believe that we are to connect with Joe and Sara and The Worship Center in Raleigh/Durham.  We see that God has connected us to learn from them, and begin to implement some of the programs that we have held within our hearts; God given programs to build the body of Christ!!

To that end, we believe part of this New Season for His Call Ministries is requiring us to relocate to the Raleigh/Durham area.  This will strengthen our working relationship with The Worship Center and provide an opportunity to further God’s work thru HIS Call Ministries. We also realized we will be within a 3 hour radius from key churches and pastors that we are connected with!  How awesome is that!!

Remember, when God causes the season to change, EVERYONE RECEIVES A BLESSING!  Such is the case with our son Judah.

When we moved to the Virginia Beach area two years ago, we came to be closer to many of our partners and covering pastors, but also because we felt it was time to transition Judah from homeschool back to private school.  This has proven to be a very positive move in that regard.  As Judah is transitioning into High School next year, we have found a wonderful school that will undergird our Biblical values and academically prepare him for any university that God leads him to.  Of course he will miss his friends here in Virginia Beach, but he is excited because some of those families are prayerfully considering relocating to the Raleigh area to help us implement the programs that God has placed within our heart.

There are so many details that we could share with you, but we simply do not have the time in this letter.  I would ask that you prayerfully consider giving a special gift, above and beyond your pledge, to help get us in place and ready to move forward with digging this new well of worship. This is your ministry, and we ask that you consider joining with us as we step into this new season that God has prepared for us.

Mark your calendars now to join us at “The Worship Center” July 25-27th for Throne Zone Carolina.  You will be excited to see for yourself the facility that God spoke to us about almost 10 years ago!  For those of you who have been partnering with us for some time and heard us speak and teach about it; you will simply be amazed!  It is truly surreal to walk through the facility and see the place He said to build!  We continue to pray that you will be a part of this next season for His Call!  Be sure make plans to join us, July 25-27, 2013! Who knows, perhaps God is saying that your next season is in the Raleigh/Durham area!  You can join with us and together, we can “Build for Him this place.”

 Our mission is sure, our vision is great.  We can only move forward with your help.   Please consider making a donation.  Your donations are tax deductible. Thank you and God bless you!



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