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What A Celebration!

Michele and I are so very thankful that you have chosen to partner with us for 2013.  I believe that during this year, we will see the impact from this ministry expand into new territories resulting in many hundreds of people having God encounters in the midst of their time of worship.  As a result, I believe that these people will discover their purpose in life while in that Throne Zone dimension of worship with the Father.  All of this will be a direct result of you standing with us faithfully each month throughout this New Year. 

I have learned that as we enter into covenant relationship, God will allow that same Favor and Kingdom Connections to flow into your life and ministry.  Even as we shared at the conference, 2013 will be a year of “partnerships” for this ministry.  I believe God will cause partnerships to be realized for you and your business or ministry.  Our visions will become reality as God brings different partnerships into our lives.  We must analyze each new possibility and not discount or disregard these relationships God presents us with.  Remain steady, steadfast, unshakable and true to the vision.  Methods may change, but the DNA of your vision must not be altered.  Faithful is He who calleth, whom He also equips.  That is the word of God for you today….Hallelujah!

Well, we had a wonderful 10th Year Anniversary Throne Zone.  Testimonies are pouring into our office through email and snail mail.  Michele and I would love to hear what God did this year in your life as a result of The Throne Zone.  We were able to provide many scholarships this year- more than ever before.  Just yesterday, I received an email from one of the ladies we gifted with a scholarship and I wanted to share her testimony with you:

I asked for Prayer at the conference.  I wanted your intercesssors to know that the Chest Xray that was taken a month ago showed a lesión in my left hilar región….I had a CT scan taken on last Saturday…The Report says normal examination….no evidence of mass or lesión seen…..I know Jesus is  my healer!!!                                     -Lauretta Melendez


Within the next couple of weeks, we will be posting pictures and video clips from this past Throne Zone.  So, please be sure to check the website when those are posted.

As we look ahead, we are pleased to announce our Inaugural Throne Zone Golf Tournament.  In addition to being a great day of golf and fellowship, this is a fund raiser to help us expand the Throne Zone into the various regions set before us.  This event will allow us to play together for the day, while helping to propel us forward into these new regions.  Our office is flooded with phone calls and emails asking us to bring a Throne Zone to these various areas.  Our staff stands ready to move ahead, but the Golf Tournament and your faithful monthly support will help us answer His Call and establish a Well of Worship where these people can drink, find refreshment, but ultimately become refueled for their assignment.  So please help us with this golf tournament by sharing it with your friends or family who are interested in golf, or sign up to play.  There is no way that you can be any worse of a golfer than me, so come out and have a great time and help us dig these new wells of worship.

On a final note, we have upgraded our accounting software which provides us with several new features.  One such feature that we will be utilizing is regarding your monthly donations.  When we receive your donation (either in the mail, online or auto-deduct), you will receive an email from our office simply letting you know that we have received your donation for the month.  We will still send you an end-of-the-year contribution statement for tax purposes, but this new feature will remind you that you have submitted funds to this ministry and they have been received….not lost in the mail. 

Below, you will find your Kingdom Covenant Partner Code for 2013 as well as the amount you have pledged- either monthly or a one-time gift.  Again, we thank you for standing with us faithfully each month.  Because of your faithfulness, we can answer His Call and avail ourselves of every opportunity the Lord sets before us.  We have great vision, and your faithful support will enable us to release all of this upon the earth.  

Please know how much Michele and I love you and believe in the destiny God has placed within your heart.  It is our prayer that we will provide encouragement and faith to your vision as you offer your support to this ministry.  Remember, greatness is within you.  You have an assignment that no one else on the planet can fulfill, unless you choose to forfeit that assignment.  Be not weary in well doing, for in due season you shall reap if you faint not.  Keep moving forward.

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